Muscles knots/adhesions are hard, sensitive areas of muscles that tighten and contract even when the muscle is at rest. These tense muscle fibers can cause pain in other parts of the body when touched. They’re also known as trigger points.
Muscle knots can be caused by:
a sedentary lifestyle, overusing or injuring your muscles poor posture.
Dehydration, unhealthy eating habits, and stress and anxiety may also contribute to muscle knots. They can occur anywhere in the body, but they’re usually found in your back, shoulders, and neck. They often show up in your gluteal muscles, too.
Knots can cause aching sensations and pain in your muscles and joints. It could also feel tight and contracted, even when you’re trying to relax, and they’re often sensitive to the touch. The affected area may even become inflamed or swollen.
Treatment for muscle knots can include:
Massage therapy
Stretch. Gentle stretching that elongates your muscles can help you to release tension in your body.
Hot and cold therapy
Use a muscle rub and self massage or tools such as scraping tools
Trigger point pressure release
Physical therapy such as IMS (inter-muscular stimulation)